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    Cutting-edge technologies of bleeding control using nonthermal plasma—Mechanism of blood coagulation and wound healing.
    In: Plasma Medical Science, Masaru Hori, Yuzuru Ikehara, Fumitaka Kikkawa and Shinya Toyokuni (Ed.).
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  • Ueda M, Yamagami D, Temma T, Koshino K, Goto O, Ikeda JI, Sakakita H, Ishikawa K, Hori M, Shimizu N, Ikehara Y.
    Evaluating the invasiveness of non-thermal plasma treatment using molecular imaging technique.
    In: Plasma Medical Science, Masaru Hori, Yuzuru Ikehara, Fumitaka Kikkawa and Shinya Toyokuni (Ed.).
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  • Ueda M, Matsuura Y, Hosoda R, Saji H.
    In vivo imaging of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the central nervous system. In: Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Signaling in Neuroprotection, Akinori Akaike, Shun Shimohama and Yoshimi Misu (Ed.).
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  • Ueda M, Saji H.
    Development of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor imaging probes and their use for the functional analysis of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in neuropathic pain.
    In: Horizons in Neuroscience Research. Volume 26, Andres Costa and Eugenio Villalba (Ed.).
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    IX 放射線・放射性同位元素の生命科学・医薬学への応用
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    06.粒子線治療(p. 298-9):東川桂、榎本秀一
    14.医薬品開発におけるRI利用(p. 314-5):竹中文章、榎本秀一
  • 天満敬、上田真史、佐治英郎.
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  • Ueda M, Temma T, Saji H.
    Radionuclide Imaging of Integrins.
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  • 谷口将済、榎本秀一.
    第3章 新規分析手法の毒性学への応用 3.4 生体内複数元素の同時イメージング.


  • Ueda M, Saji H.
    Visualization and Treatment of the HIF-1-Active Microenvironments in Tumors: Drug Design and Application of Oxygen-dependent Degradable Probes for Molecular Imaging of HIF-1-active Microenvironments.
    In: Hypoxia: Causes, Types and Management, Dirk Vordermark (Ed.).
    New York; Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 223-236 (2013).


  • Ueda M, Saji H.
    Imaging of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1-Active Regions in Tumors Using a POS and 123I-IBB Method.
    In: Tumors of the Central Nervous System, Volume 5: Astrocytomas, Hemangioblastomas, and Gangliogliomas, M.A.Hayat (Ed.). New York; Springer; 129-134 (2012).


  • 榎本秀一、安井裕之 編著.
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  • 榎本秀一、廣村信、五十嵐香織.
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    微量元素の研究法 放射性同位元素トレーサー法とマルチトレーサー法.
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    微量元素の研究法 加速器による微量元素分析法.
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  • 榎本秀一、五十嵐香織.
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  • Enomoto S, Hirunuma R.
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